As an author and researcher, she has written two books and several articles around contemporary Persian art and literature. Here you can find her books, in addition to a short introduction. Also selected articles are available below.
Selected Articles
- The epitome of childhood and lost innocence
- A coexistence with Death
- Body Embodiment in Persian-Islamic Calligraphy
- Calligraphic Painting, Reconstruction or Demolition
- Cartouche Prototype and the Spatial Formalization of Writing
- Eternity of the Present
- Folk Music and Femininity
- From Page to Scene
- Marginalia on the Importance of a Name
- On the Virtue of Deviationism
- The Evolution of Poetry
- The Illustrator of Words’ Absence
- The Magic of Writing in the Feminine Ornaments and Language of Mystery
- The Other Half
- The Revolution and the Defloration
- The Unsettling Experience of Contemplation
- To Revive out of One’s Ash like a Phoenix